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Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda for midlife & menopause

Oct 12, 2017


Tara has chosen a path to heal breast cancer that is completely outside of mainstream norm. She said ‘No’ to chemotherapy, ‘No’ to radiation and instead chose the natural healing route with diet, herbs and many other natural healing protocols. A path that in my opinion requires tremendous courage, trust and clarity given the approach of mainstream society.

In this podcast, she shares with us the ups and downs of her healing journey, what she does on a daily basis, how she copes and how she is healing.

What You get from tuning in:

  • What made Tara choose an alternative treatment approach to her breast cancer
  • How she mastered facing opposition with her choices
  • What a natural breast cancer protocol may look like
  • The importance of the immune system when healing from cancer
  • What needs to be in place to allow a person to have the strength, courage and clarity to walk the natural healing route
  • The importance of faith and surrender in the healing process
  • The emotional roller coaster when faced with a terminal illness and how to navigate them skillfully


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